NJ Email Marketing & SMS Texting

Making your email & text marketing campaigns stand out should be one of your top goals when seeking new business leads. Your campaign should build awareness, grow your website audience, increase sales and maintain your customer base.
Email is still ranked as the most effective marketing channel, beating out social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing.
Effective email marketing campaigns should include a catchy call-to-action, an interactive & appealing design that easy to read (especially on mobile devices), attractive images, informative videos and personalization. The three most important factors for an email campaign are: the open rate, click-through rate and unsubscribes. Open rates usually tell you how well you have built your relationship with customers. In other words, people are excited to read your emails and open them quickly. Your click-through rate (CTR) indicates how many people clicked on a link (if any) in your email. If your CTR is low, it means that your message is simply not getting through. Therefore, focus on improving your copy. The unsubscribe rate tells you how many people have clicked the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of your email. If your unsubscribe rate is high, you’ve got some serious work to do on the content of your emails.
24-7 Marketing LLC also helps you build your email lists utilizing a variety of promotions and techniques. Some typical ways to entice people to sign up include:
- newsletters about your business or category
- free downloads
- complimentary white papers or ebooks
- product or service updates
- special, exclusive discounts
Successful email campaigns also should contain an attention-getting subject line. Often this affects your open rate.
It is important that your emails follow local rules and regulations, including CAN-SPAM and GDPR. Otherwise you could be hit with a substantial fine. Here are some email marketing mistakes to avoid.
Text marketing, also known as SMS campaigns, have become increasingly popular among successful marketers due to their high 98% open rate. Why is SMS Text marketing a good idea? Recent research has indicated that 75% of people would like to receive offers via text. 64% of people prefer texting than talking on the phone. More than 95% of SMS/Text messages are read within 5 minutes. What a great opportunity! Texting is something your customers are often doing every day.
Texting makes it simple to communicate with your contacts. It is one the best ways to let your customers know that it’s time to visit your business. That means more sales. SMS Texts do not end when your customers make a purchase. Follow up with product information or customer service assistance. Your customers will appreciate it, and your company will stay top-of-mind. Text messages make it easy to alert customers about upcoming appointments and events. It would take forever to call everyone on your list, and often times emails don’t get opened until days later. Reach thousands of contacts at once with mass alerts. Texting is the easiest way to get a message out quickly. Especially for millennials, text messages are the preferred method of connecting with businesses.
Sending SMS text messages to promote your business should be conversational as if you already built a relationship with individual customers. There are a variety of ways to get customers to “opt-in” and receive your text advertisements and we assist you to build this list.
Did you know we can set up SMS marketing notifications and add voice messages and even video. 24-7 Marketing can also add more channels with the same type message with WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.